퍼스 인도네시아 영사관, 호주

Consulate of Indonesia in Perth, Australia

Address: 134 Adelaide Terrace (P.O.BOX 6683 East Perth) WA 6004, Australia

City: Perth

Phone: (61-8) 9221-5858

Fax: (61-8) 9221-5688

Website: http://www.kri-perth.org.au

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday- Thursday: 09.30 am – 12.30 noon and 01.30 pm – 03.00 pm

(1) 코멘트

  • kyeong eun jeon March 25, 2020 @ 3:11 am

    Hello. There is a flight from Perth to Bali on March 29 and from Bali to Incheon on March 30.
    I’m calling because I need a visa for my own transfer.
    Can I get a visa before March 30th?
    I’ll be waiting for the reply.
    thank you

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